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Barkoukis, V., Chatzisarantis, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Effects of a School-Based Intervention on Motivation for Out-of-School Physical Activity Participation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 92(3), 477-491.


Caudwell, K. M., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Determinants and Effects of Pre-drinking. In R. Cooke, D. Conroy, E. L. Davies, M. S. Hagger, & R. O. de Visser (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption (pp. 299-323). Palgrave Macmillan.


Chatzisarantis, Nikos L. D.; Kamarova, Sviatlana; Twomey, Chris; Hansen, Graham; Harris, Mark; Windus, John; Bateson, Alan; Hagger, Martin S. (2021). Relationships Between Health Promoting Activities, Life Satisfaction, and Depressive Symptoms in Unemployed Individuals. European Journal of Health Psychology, 28 (1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1027/2512-8442/a000058

Cooke, R., Conroy, D., Davies, E. L., Hagger, M. S., & de Visser, R. O. (Eds.). (2021). The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cooke, R., Conroy, D., Davies, E. L., Hagger, M. S., & de Visser, R. O. (2021). Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption. In R. Cooke, D. Conroy, E. L. Davies, M. S. Hagger, & R. O. de Visser (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption (pp. 1-22). Palgrave Macmillan.

Cooke, R., Conroy, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Motivational and Self-Regulatory Interventions to Reduce Alcohol Consumption. In R. Cooke, D. Conroy, E. L. Davies, M. S. Hagger, & R. O. de Visser (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption (pp. 499-526). Palgrave Macmillan.

Davies, E. L., Conroy, D., Hagger, M. S., de Visser, R. O., & Cooke, R. (2021). Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol : Visions for the Future. In R. Cooke, D. Conroy, E. L. Davies, M. S. Hagger, & R. O. de Visser (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption (pp. 551-575). Palgrave Macmillan.

Hagger, Martin S.; Hamilton, Kyra (2021). Effects of socio-structural variables in the theory of planned behavior : a mediation model in multiple samples and behaviors. Psychology and Health, 36 (3), 307-333 . DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2020.1784420

Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2021). General causality orientations in self-determination theory : meta-analysis and test of a process model. European Journal of Personality, 35(5), 710-735.

Hagger, Martin S.; Orbell, Sheina (2021). The common sense model of illness self-regulation : a conceptual review and proposed extended model. Health Psychology Review, Early online. DOI: 10.1080/17437199.2021.1878050

Hagger, M. S., & Rebar, A. L. (2021). Habits. In K. Sweeney, M. L. Robbins, & L. M. Cohen (Eds.), The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology, Volume 2 : The Social Bases of Health Behavior (pp. 177-182). John Wiley & Sons.

Hagger, M. S., Smith, S. R., Keech, J. J., Moyers, S. A., & Hamilton, K. (2021). Predicting physical distancing over time during COVID-19 : testing an integrated model. Psychology and Health, Early online.

Hagger, Martin; Zhang, Chun-Qing; Kangro, Eva-Maria; Ries, Francis; Wang, John C. K.; Heritage, Brody; Chan, Derwin K. C. (2021). Trait self-control and self-discipline : Structure, validity, and invariance across national groups. Current Psychology, 40 (3), 1015-1030. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-018-0021-6

Hamilton, Kyra; Keech, Jacob J.; Peden, Amy E.; Hagger, Martin S. (2021). Changing driver behavior during floods : testing a novel e-health intervention using implementation imagery. Safety Science, 136, 105141. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105141

Hardcastle, S. J., Maxwell-Smith, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Predicting physical activity change in cancer survivors : an application of the Health Action Process Approach. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, Early online.

Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., Tilga, H., Raudsepp, L., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Application of the trans-contextual model to predict change in leisure time physical activity. Psychology and Health, Early online.

Kalajas-Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., Tilga, H., Raudsepp, L., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Trans-Contextual Model Predicting Change in Out-of-School Physical Activity : A One-Year Longitudinal Study. European Physical Education Review, Early online.

Kaushal, N., Bérubé, B., Hagger, M. S., & Bherer, L. (2021). Investigating the role of self‐control beliefs in predicting exercise behaviour : a longitudinal study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 26(4), 1155-1175.

Keech, Jacob J.; Hagger, Martin S.; Hamilton, Kyra (2021). Changing stress mindsets with a novel imagery intervention : A randomized controlled trial. Emotion, 21 (1), 123-136. DOI: 10.1037/emo0000678

Keech, Jacob J.; Orbell, Sheina; Hagger, Martin S.; O’Callaghan, Frances V.; Hamilton, Kyra (2021). Psychometric properties of the stress control mindset measure in university students from Australia and the UK. Brain and Behavior, 11 (2), e01963. DOI: 10.1002/brb3.1963

Kwasnicka, D., ten Hoor, G. A., van Dongen, A., Gruszczyńska, E., Hagger, M. S., Hamilton, K., Hankonen, N., Heino, M. T. J., Kotzur, M., Noone, C., Rothman, A. J., Toomey, E., Warner, L. M., Kok, G., Peters, G.-J., & Luszczynska, A. (2021). Promoting Scientific Integrity through Open Science in Health Psychology : Results of the Synergy Expert Meeting of the European Health Psychology Society. Health Psychology Review, 15(3), 333-349.

Kwasnicka, D., ten Hoor, G. A., Hekler, E., Hagger, M. S., & Kok, G. (2021). Proposing a new approach to funding behavioural interventions using iterative methods. Psychology and Health, 36(7), 787-791.

Lee, A. S., Standage, M., Hagger, M. S., & Chan, D. K. C. (2021). Applying the trans-contextual model to promote sport injury prevention behaviors among secondary school students. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 31(9), 1840-1852.

Lee, Alfred S.Y.; Standage, Martyn; Hagger, Martin S.; Chan, Derwin K.C. (2021). Predictors of In‐School and Out‐of‐School Sport Injury Prevention : A Test of The Trans‐Contextual Model. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 31 (1), 215-225. DOI: 10.1111/sms.13826

Limburg, K., Bodill, K., Watson, H. J., Kane, R. T., Hagger, M. S., & Egan, S. J. (2021). Validity of the compulsive exercise test in regular exercisers. Eating Disorders, 29(5), 447-462.

Maxwell-Smith, Chloe; Hagger, Martin S.; Kane, Robert; Cohen, Paul A.; Tan, Jason; Platell, Cameron; Makin, Gregory Bryan; Saunders, Christobel; Nightingale, Sophie; Lynch, Craig; Sardelic, Frank et al. (2021). Psychological Correlates of Physical Activity and Exercise Preferences in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Cancer Survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 32 (2), 221-230. DOI: 10.1002/pon.5553

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2021). Evidence That Habit Moderates the Implicit Belief-Behavior Relationship in Health Behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Early online.

Polet, J., Schneider, J., Hassandra, M., Lintunen, T., Laukkanen, A., Hankonen, N., Hirvensalo, M., Tammelin, T. H., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2021). Predictors of school students’ leisure-time physical activity : An extended trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(11), Article e0258829.

Toivonen, H.-M., Hassandra, M., Wright, P. M., Hagger, M. S., Hankonen, N., Laine, K., & Lintunen, T. (2021). Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 648235.

Toivonen, H. M., Wright, P. M., Hassandra, M., Hagger, M. S., Hankonen, N., Hirvensalo, M., ... & Lintunen, T. (2021). Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model: A programme development and protocol. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-20.

Vohs, K. D., Schmeichel, B. J., Lohmann, S., Gronau, Q. F., Finley, A. J., Ainsworth, S. E., Alquist, J. L., Baker, M. D., Brizi, A., Bunyi, A., Butschek, G. J., Campbell, C., Capaldi, J., Cau, C., Chambers, H., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Christensen, W. J., Clay, S. L., Curtis, J., . . . Albarracín, D. (2021). A Multisite Preregistered Paradigmatic Test of the Ego-Depletion Effect. Psychological Science, 32(10), 1566-1581.

Wang, D., Ziano, I., Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2021). Loudness Perceptions Influence Feelings of Interpersonal Closeness and Protect Against Detrimental Psychological Effects of Social Exclusion. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, OnlineFirst.


Barkoukis, V., Chatzisarantis, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Effects of a School-Based Intervention on Motivation for Out-of-School Physical Activity Participation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1-15.

Brown, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). The mediating role of constructs representing reasoned-action and automatic processes on the past behavior-future behavior relationship. Social science & medicine (1982), 258, 113085.

Chan, D. K., Lee, A. S. Y., Macfarlane, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Validation of the swimming competence questionnaire for children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-8.

Chan, D. K., Stenling, A., Yusainy, C., Hikmiah, Z., Ivarsson, A., Hagger, M. S., ... & Beauchamp, M. R. (2020). Editor's Choice: Consistency tendency and the theory of planned behavior: a randomized controlled crossover trial in a physical activity context. Psychology & Health, 35(6), 665-684.

Chan, D. K. C., Tang, T. C., Gucciardi, D. F., Ntoumanis, N., Dimmock, J. A., Donovan, R. J., ... & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(3), 273-295.

Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, L., Lee, A. S. Y., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Reciprocal relations between autonomous motivation from self-determination theory and social cognition constructs from the theory of planned behavior: A cross-lagged panel design in sport injury prevention. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 48, 101660.

Hagger, M., Cameron, L., Hamilton, K., Hankonen, N., & Lintunen, T. (Eds.). (2020). The Handbook of Behavior Change (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108677318

Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Effects of socio-structural variables in the theory of planned behavior: a mediation model in multiple samples and behaviors. Psychology & Health, 1-27.

Hagger, M. S., Keech, J. J., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Managing Stress During the COVID‐19 Pandemic and Beyond: Reappraisal and Mindset Approaches. Stress and Health.

Hagger, M. S., Moyers, S., McAnally, K., & McKinley, L. E. (2020). Known knowns and known unknowns on behavior change interventions and mechanisms of action. Health psychology review, 14(1), 199-212.

Hamilton, K., Demant, D., Peden, A., & Hagger, M. (2020). A systematic review of human behaviour in and around floodwater. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 101561.

Hamilton, K., Gibbs, I., Keech, J. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Reasoned and implicit processes in heavy episodic drinking: An integrated dual‐process model. British journal of health psychology, 25(1), 189-209.

Hamilton, Kyra; van Dongen, Anne; Hagger, Martin S. (2020). An extended theory of planned behavior for parent-for-child health behaviors : A meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 39 (10), 863-878. DOI: 10.1037/hea0000940

Hamilton, Kyra; Smith, Stephanie R.; Keech, Jacob J.; Moyers, Susette A.; Hagger, Martin S. (2020). Application of the Health Action Process Approach to Social Distancing Behavior During COVID‐19. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 12 (4), 1244-1269. DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12231

Keech, J. J., Cole, K. L., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). The association between stress mindset and physical and psychological wellbeing: testing a stress beliefs model in police officers. Psychology & Health, 1-20.

Knittle, K., Heino, M., Marques, M. M., Stenius, M., Beattie, M., Ehbrecht, F., ... & Hankonen, N. (2020). The compendium of self-enactable techniques to change and self-manage motivation and behaviour v. 1.0. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(2), 215-223.

Lee, Alfred S.Y.; Yung, Patrick Shu-Hang; Mok, Kam-Ming; Hagger, Martin S.; Chan, Derwin K.C. (2020). Psychological processes of ACL-patients' post-surgery rehabilitation : A prospective test of an integrated theoretical model. Social Science and Medicine, 244, 112646. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112646

Leung, K. M., Chung, P. K., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). The effects of light volleyball intervention programme in improving selected physical and psychological attributes of older adults in Hong Kong. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(1), 1-12.

Mckinley, L., McAnally, K., Moyers, S. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Behavioral health theories, equity, and disparities in global health: A basic process model.

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Predicting limiting ‘free sugar’consumption using an integrated model of health behavior. Appetite, 104668.

Polet J, Lintunen T, Schneider J, Hagger MS (2020). Predicting change in middle school students’ leisure-time physical activity participation: A prospective test  of the trans-contextual model. J Appl Soc Psychol. 2020;00:1–12.

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). A Checklist to Assess the Quality of Survey Studies in Psychology. Methods in Psychology, 100031.

Teixeira, Pedro J.; Marques, Marta M.; Silva, Marlene N.; Brunet, Jennifer; Duda, Joan L.; Haerens, Leen; La Guardia, Jennifer; Lindwall, Magnus; Lonsdale, Chris; Markland, David; Michie, Susan et al. (2020). A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts. Motivation science, 6 (4), 438-455. DOI: 10.1037/mot0000172

Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). How physical education teachers’ interpersonal behaviour is related to students’ health-related quality of life. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(5), 661-676.

Wang, D., Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. (2020). Ironic Effects of Thought Suppression: A Meta-Analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(3), 778-793.

Zhang, C. Q., Fang, R., Zhang, R., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Predicting hand washing and sleep hygiene behaviors among college students: test of an integrated social-cognition model. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1209.


Caudwell, K. M., Keech, J. J., Hamilton, K., Mullan, B. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Reducing alcohol consumption during pre-drinking sessions: Testing an integrated behaviour-change model. Psychology & Health.

Chan, Derwin K. C.; Stenling, Andreas; Yusainy, Cleoputri; Hikmiah, Ziadatul; Ivarsson, Andreas; Hagger, Martin S.; Rhodes, Ryan E.; Beauchamp, Mark R. (2019). Consistency tendency and the theory of planned behavior : a randomized controlled crossover trial in a physical activity context. Psychology and Health, Ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1677904

Chan, D. K. C., Tang, T. C. W., Yung, P.-H., Gucciardi, D. F., & Hagger, M. (2019). Is unintentional doping real, or just an excuse?. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53 (15), 978-979. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097614

Chatzisarantis, N. L., Ada, E. N., Ahmadi, M., Caltabiano, N., Wang, D., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Differential effects of perceptions of equal, favourable and unfavourable autonomy support on educational and well-being outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 33-43.

Chatzisarantis, N. L., Yli-Piipari, S., Schriefer, L. S., Wang, D., Barkoukis, V., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Is the relationship between physical activity intentions and behaviour convex? A test across 13 studies. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 114-122.

Dang, Junhua; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Time to Set a New Research Agenda for Ego Depletion and Self-Control. Social Psychology, 50 (5-6), 277-281. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000399

González-Cutre, David; Romero-Elías, María; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Testing the need for novelty as a candidate need in basic psychological needs theory. Motivation and Emotion, First Online. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-019-09812-7

Hagger, M. (2019). Embracing Open Science and Transparency in Health Psychology. Health Psychology Review, 13 (2), 131-136. doi:10.1080/17437199.2019.1605614

Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Redefining habits and linking habits with other implicit processes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 46, 101606. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101606

Hagger, Martin S.; Gucciardi, Daniel F.; Turrell, Amelia S.; Hamilton, Kyra (2019). Self‐control and health‐related behaviour : The role of implicit self‐control, trait self‐control, and lay beliefs in self‐control. British Journal of Health Psychology, 24 (4), 764-786. DOI: 10.1111/bjhp.12378

Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Grit and self‐discipline as predictors of effort and academic attainment. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(2), 324-342.

Hagger, Martin S.; Hamilton, Kyra (2019). Health Behavior, Health Promotion, and the Transition to Parenthood : Insights from Research in Health Psychology and Behavior Change. In Taubman - Ben-Ari, Orit (Eds.) Pathways and Barriers to Parenthood : Existential Concerns Regarding Fertility, Pregnancy, and Early Parenthood. Cham: Springer, 251-269. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24864-2_15.

Hagger, Martin S.; Hamilton, Kyra; Hardcastle, Sarah J.; Hu, Miao; Kwok, See; Lin, Jie; Nawawi, Hapizah M.; Pang, Jing; Santos, Raul D.; Soran, Handrean; Su, Ta-Chen; Tomlinson, Brian et al. (2019). Predicting intention to participate in self-management behaviors in patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia : a cross-national study. Social Science and Medicine, 242, 112591. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112591

Hagger, M. S., & Weed, M. (2019). DEBATE: Do interventions based on behavioral theory work in the real world?. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16(1), 36.

Hamilton, K., Fleig, L., Henderson, J., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Being active in pregnancy: Theory-based factors associated with physical activity among pregnant women. Women & health, 59(2), 213-228.

Hamilton, Kyra; Henderson, Joanna; Burton, Emma; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Discussing lifestyle behaviors : perspectives and experiences of general practitioners. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 7 (1), 290-307. DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2019.1648216

Hamilton, K., Keech, J. J., Peden, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). A protocol for developing a mental imagery intervention: A randomised controlled trial testing a novel implementation imagery e-health intervention to change driver behaviour during floods. BMJ Open, 9, e025565. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025565

Hamilton, Kyra; Peden, Amy E.; Smith, Stephanie; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Predicting pool safety habits and intentions of Australian parents and carers for their young children. Journal of Safety Research, 71, 285-294. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2019.09.006

Hamilton, K., Peden, A. E., Keech, J. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Driving through floodwater: Exploring driver decisions through the lived experience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

Kaushal, N., Langlois, F., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Hagger, M., & Bherer, L. (2019). Investigating dose–response effects of multimodal exercise programs on health-related quality of life in older adults. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 14, 209-217. doi:10.2147/CIA.S187534

Keech, J. J., Smith, S. R., Peden, A. E., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2019). The lived experience of rescuing people who have driven into floodwater: Understanding challenges and identifying areas for providing support. Health promotion journal of Australia, 30(2), 252-257.

Limburg, Karina; Bodill, Kate; Watson, Hunna J.; Kane, Robert T.; Hagger, Martin S.; Egan, Sarah J. (2019). Validity of the compulsive exercise test in regular exercisers. Eating Disorders, Early online. DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2019.1677130

Mallia, L., Lucidi, F., Zelli, A., Chirico, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Predicting moral attitudes and antisocial behavior in young team sport athletes: A self‐determination theory perspective. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(4), 249-263.

Olson, Jenny L.; Ireland, Michael J.; March, Sonja; Biddle, Stuart J.; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Physical Activity in Peri‐Urban Communities : Testing Intentional and Implicit Processes within an Ecological Framework. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Early online. DOI: 10.1111/aphw.12182

Polet, J., Hassandra, M., Lintunen, T., Laukkanen, A., Hankonen, N., Hirvensalo, Tammelin, T & Hagger, MS (2019). Using Physical Education to Promote Out-of School Physical Activity in Lower Secondary School Students–A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol.

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. (2019). A Case For a Study Quality Appraisal in Survey Studies in Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2788. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02788

Tilga, H., Hein, V., Koka, A., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). The role of teachers’ controlling behaviour in physical education on adolescents’ health-related quality of life: Test of a conditional process model. Educational Psychology. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1546830

Toivonen, Hanna-Mari; Wright, Paul M.; Hassandra, Mary; Hagger, Martin S.; Hankonen, Nelli; Hirvensalo, Mirja; Talvio, Markus; Gould, Daniel; Kalaja, Sami; Tammelin, Tuija; Laine, Kaarlo et al. (2019). Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model : a programme development and protocol. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Early online. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2019.1661268

Zhang, C. Q., Chung, P. K., Liu, J. D., Chan, D. K., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Health Beliefs of Wearing Facemasks for Influenza A/H1N1 Prevention: A Qualitative Investigation of Hong Kong Older Adults. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1010539519844082.

Zhang, Chun-Qing; Wong, Marco Cheuk-Yiu; Zhang, Ru; Hamilton, Kyra; Hagger, Martin S. (2019). Adolescent sugar-sweetened beverage consumption : An extended Health Action Process Approach. Appetite, 141, 104332. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104332

Zhang, C. Q., Zhang, R., Schwarzer, R., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). A meta-analysis of the health action process approach. Health Psychology. doi: 10.31234/


Allom, V., Mullan, B. A., Monds, L., Orbell, S., Hamilton, K., Rebar, A. L., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Reflective and impulsive processes underlying saving behavior and the additional roles of self-control and habit. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 11(3), 135.

Brown, D. J., Hagger, M. S., Morrissey, S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Predicting fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul heavy goods vehicle drivers: Application of a multi-theory, dual-phase model and the contribution of past behaviour. Appetite, 121, 326-336. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.11.106

Caudwell, K. M., Mullan, B. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Testing an online, theory-based intervention to reduce pre-drinking alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in undergraduates: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-018-9736-x

Chan, D. K. C., Keatley, D. A., Tang, T. C., Dimmock, J. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Implicit versus explicit attitude to doping: Which better predicts athletes’ vigilance towards unintentional doping?. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 21(3), 238-244

Chan, D. K. C., Tang, C. W. T., Gucciardi, D. F., Ntoumanis, N., Dimmock, J. A., Donovan, R. J., . . . Hagger, M. S. (2018). Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2018.1450095

Chung, P. K., Zhang, C. Q., Liu, J. D., Chan, D. K. C., Si, G., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). The process by which perceived autonomy support predicts motivation, intention, and behavior for seasonal influenza prevention in Hong Kong older adults. BMC public health, 18(1), 65.

Conroy, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Imagery interventions in health behavior: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 37(7), 668.

Hagger, M. S. (2018). Habit and physical activity: Theoretical advances, practical implications, and agenda for future research. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.12.007

Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Motivational predictors of students' participation in out-of-school learning activities and academic attainment in science: An application of the trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis. Learning and Individual Differences. ***

Hagger, M. S., Hankonen, N., Kangro, E.-M., Lintunen, T., Pagaduan, J., Polet, J., Ries, F., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Trait self-control, social cognition constructs, and intentions: Correlational evidence for mediation and moderation effects in diverse health behaviors. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12153

Hagger, M. S., Hardcastle, S. J., Hu, M., Kwok, S., Lin, J., Nawawi, H. M., ... & Tomlinson, B. (2018). Health literacy in familial hypercholesterolemia: A cross-national study. European journal of preventive cardiology, 2047487318766954

​Hagger, M. S., Hardcastle, S. J., Hu, M., Kwok, S., Lin, J., Nawawi, H. M., Pang, J., Santos, R. D., Soran, H., Su, T.-C., Tomlinson, B., & Watts, G. F. (2018). Effects of medication, treatment, and behavioral beliefs on intentions to take medication in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerosis. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.06.010

Hagger, M. S., Polet, J., & Lintunen, T. (2018). The reasoned action approach applied to health behavior: Role of past behavior and tests of some key moderators using meta-analytic structural equation modeling. Social Science & Medicine, 213, 85-94.

Hagger, M. S., & Protogerou, C. (2018). Affect in the Context of Self-Determination Theory. Affective Determinants of Health Behavior, 132.

Hamilton, K., Fleig, L., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Being active in pregnancy: Theory-based factors associated with physical activity among pregnant women. Women & Health. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2018.1452835

Hamilton, K., Keech, J. J., Peden, A. E., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Alcohol use, aquatic injury, and unintentional drowning: A systematic literature review. Drug and alcohol review.

Hamilton, K., Peden, A. E., Keech, J. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Changing people’s attitudes and beliefs toward driving through floodwaters: Evaluation of a video infographic. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 53, 50-60. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.12.012

Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Effects of self-efficacy on healthy eating depends on normative support: a prospective study of long-haul truck drivers. International journal of behavioral medicine, 25(2), 265-270

Hamilton, K., Price, S., Keech, J. J., Peden, A. E., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Drivers’ experiences during floods: investigating the psychological influences underpinning decisions to avoid driving through floodwater. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.12.013

Hardcastle, S. J., Maxwell-Smith, C., Hagger, M. S., O'Connor, M., & Platell, C. (2018). Exploration of information and support needs in relation to health concerns, diet and physical activity in colorectal cancer survivors. European Journal of Cancer Care, 27, e12679. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12679

Jane, M., Foster, J., Hagger, M., Ho, S., Kane, R., & Pal, S. (2018). Psychological effects of belonging to a Facebook weight management group in overweight and obese adults: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Health & social care in the community

Jane, M., Hagger, M. S., Foster, J. K., Ho, S., & Pal, S. (2018). Social media for health promotion and weight management: A critical debate. BMC Public Health, 18, 932. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5837-3

Keatley, D. A., Hardcastle, S. J., Carragher, N., Chikritzhs, T., Daube, M., Lonsdale, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Attitudes and beliefs toward minimum alcohol pricing in Western Australia. Health Promotion International, 33, 400-409. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw092

Keech, J., Hagger, M. S., O'Callaghan, F. V., & Hamilton, K. (2018). The influence of university students' stress mindsets on health and performance outcomes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Keech, J. J., Smith, S. R., Peden, A. E., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). The lived experience of rescuing people who have driven into floodwater: Understanding challenges and identifying areas for providing support. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. doi: 10.1002/hpja

Leung, K. M., Chung, P.-K., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). The effects of light volleyball intervention program in improving selected physical and psychological attributes of older adults in Hong Kong. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2018.1462231

Peden, A. E., Demant, D., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Personal, social, and environmental factors associated with lifejacket wear in adults and children: A systematic literature review. PloS one, 13(5), e0196421.

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). A case for a study quality appraisal in survey studies in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2788. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02788


Protogerou, C., Johnson, B. T., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). An integrated model of condom use in sub-Saharan African youth: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/N5AQU

Souto, A. C., Miname, M. H., Fukushima, J., Jannes, C. E., Krieger, J. E., Hagger, M. S., . . . Santos, R. D. (2018). Health related quality of life in individuals at high risk for familial hypercholesterolemia undergoing genetic cascade screening in Brazil. Atherosclerosis.

Valentine, E., Bodill, K., Watson, H. J., Hagger, M. S., Kane, R. T., Anderson, R. A., & Egan, S. J. (2018). A randomised controlled trial of unguided internet cognitive-behavioural treatment for perfectionism in individuals who engage in regular exercise. International Journal of Eating Disorders. doi: 10.1002/eat.22888

Zhang, C. Q., Leeming, E., Smith, P., Chung, P.-K., Hagger, M. S., & Hayes, S. C. (2018). Acceptance and commitment therapy for health behavior change: A contextually-driven approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2350. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02350

Wang, D., Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2018). Why distractors with need-supportive content can mitigate ironic effects of thought suppression. Motivation and Emotion. doi: 10.1007/s11031-017-9653-3

Zabatiero, J., Smith, A., Hill, K., Hamdorf, J. M., Taylor, S. F., Hagger, M. S., & Gucciardi, D. F. (2018). Do factors related to participation in physical activity change following restrictive bariatric surgery? A qualitative study. Obesity research & clinical practice, 12(3), 307-316


Chan, D. K. C., Keatley, D. A., Tang, T. C. W., Dimmock, J. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Implicit versus explicit attitude to doping: Which better predicts athletes’ vigilance towards unintentional doping? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.05.020

Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Hagger, M. S., Mok, K.-M., & Yung, P. S.-H. (2017). Social psychological aspects of ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation: An integrated model for behavioral adherence. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology, 10, 17-20. doi: 10.1016/j.asmart.2017.10.001

Chan, D. K., Lee, A. S., Tang, T. C., Gucciardi, D. F., Yung, P. S., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Paper vs. Pixel: Can We Use a Pen-and-Paper Method to Measure Athletes' Implicit Doping Attitude?. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 876.

Chan, D. K. C., Tang, T. C. W., Yung, P. S. H., Gucciardi, D. F., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Is unintentional doping real, or just an excuse? British Journal of Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097614

Chan, D. K., Webb, D., Ryan, R. M., Tang, T. C., Yang, S. X., Ntoumanis, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Preventing occupational injury among police officers: does motivation matter?. Occupational Medicine, 67(6), 435-441.

Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Barkoukis, V., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Hardcastle, S. J., Orbell, S., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Sensitivity of statistical models in detecting effects of equal prioritisation on physical activity participation. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48, 165-182. doi: 10.7352/IJSP

Chung, P. K., Zhang, C. Q., Liu, J. D., Chan, D. K. C., Si, G., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). The process by which perceived autonomy support predicts motivation, intention, and behavior for seasonal influenza prevention in Hong Kong older adults. BMC Public Health.

Chan, D. K. C., Webb, D., Ryan, R. M., Tang, T. C. W., Yang, S. X., Ntoumanis, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Preventing occupational injury among police officers: Does motivation matter? Occupational Medicine, 67, 435–441. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqx076

Egan, S. J., Bodill, K., Watson, H. J., Valentine, E., Shu, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Compulsive exercise as a mediator between clinical perfectionism and eating pathology. Eating Behaviors, 24, 11-16.

Hagger, M. S., Gucciardi, D. F., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2017). On nomological validity and auxiliary assumptions: The importance of simultaneously testing effects in social cognitive theories applied to health behavior and some guidelines Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1933. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01933

Hagger, M. S., Koch, S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Orbell, S. (2017). The common-sense model of self-regulation: Meta-analysis and test of a process model. Psychological Bulletin. doi: 10.1037/bul0000118.

Hagger, M. S., Trost, N., Keech, J., Chan, D. K. C., & Hamilton, K. (2017). Predicting sugar consumption: Application of an integrated dual-process, dual-phase model. Appetite, 116, 147-156. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.04.032

Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Effects of self-efficacy on healthy eating depends on normative support: A prospective study of long-haul truck drivers. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-017-9685-9

Hamilton, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Rebar, A., White, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Protecting young children against skin cancer: Parental beliefs, roles, and regret. Psycho-Oncology. doi: 10.1002/pon.4434.

Hamilton, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Rebar, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Child sun safety: Application of an integrated behavior change model. Health Psychology. doi: 10.1037/hea0000533.

Hankonen, N. (2017). Miten motivoida kohti hyvinvointia? Käyttäytymismuutosinterventiot terveyden edistämiseksi. In K. Salmela-Aro, & J.-E. Nurmi (Eds.), Mikä meitä liikuttaa : motivaatiopsykologian perusteet (pp. 178-191). Jyväskylä, Finland: PS kustannus.

Hardcastle, S. J., Fortier, M. S., Blake, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Identifying techniques to change motivation and behavior within motivational interviewing and relations with techniques from an existing taxonomy of behavior-change techniques. Health Psychology Review, 11, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2016.1190659

Hassandra, M., Lintunen, T., Hagger, M. S., Heikkinen, R., Vanhala, M., & Kettunen, T. (2017). An mHealth app for supporting quitters to manage cigarette cravings with short bouts of physical activity: A randomized pilot feasibility and acceptability study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5, e74. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.6252

Kamarova, S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Hagger, M. S., Lintunen, T., Chasandra, M. M., & Papaioannou , A. (2017). Effects of achievement goals on perceptions of competence in conditions of unfavourable social comparisons: The mastery goal advantage effect. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 630–646. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12168

Koka, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). A brief intervention to increase physical activity behavior among adolescents using mental simulations and action planning. Psychology, Health & Medicine,22, 701-710. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2016.1211298

Kwasnicka, D., Vandelanotte, C., Rebar, A., Gardner, B., Short, C., Duncan, M., Crook, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Comparing motivational, self-regulatory and habitual processes in a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in hospital employees - protocol for the PATHS randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 17, 518. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4415-4.

Lintunen, T. (2017). Tunne- ja vuorovaikutusoppiminen yhteenkuuluvuudentunteen ja motivaation edistäjänä. In K. Salmela-Aro, & J.-E. Nurmi (Eds.), Mikä meitä liikuttaa : motivaatiopsykologian perusteet (pp. 178-191). Jyväskylä, Finland: PS kustannus.

Meslot, C., Gauchet, A., Hagger, M. S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Lehmann, A., & Allenet, B. (2017). A randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of planning strategies to improve medication adherence in patients with cardiovascular disease. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 8, 106–129. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12081

Orbell, S., Szczepura, A., Weller, D., Gumber, A., & Hagger, M. S. (in press). South Asian ethnicity, socio-economic status and psychological mediators of faecal occult blood colorectal screening participation: A prospective test of a process model. Health Psychology. doi: 10.1037/hea0000525

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Developing an integrated theoretical model of young peoples’ condom use in sub-Saharan Africa. Australian Journal of Psychology, 69, 130-148. doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12127

Wang, D., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Mechanisms underlying effective thought suppression using focused-distraction strategies: A self-determination theory approach. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice. doi: 10.1037/cns0000138


Allom, V., Panetta, G., Mullan, B., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Self-report and behavioural approaches to the measurement of self-control: Are we assessing the same construct? Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 137–142. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2015.10.051

Caudwell, K. M., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Predicting alcohol pre-drinking in Australian undergraduate students using an integrated theoretical model. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 7, 188–213. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12044

Caudwell, K. M., Mullan, B. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Combining motivational and volitional approaches to reducing excessive alcohol consumption in pre-drinkers: A theory-based intervention protocol. BMC Public Health, 16, 45. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2648-7

Girelli, L., Hagger, M. S., Mallia, L., & Lucidi, F. (2016). From perceived autonomy support to intentional behaviour: Testing an integrated model in three healthy-eating behaviours. Appetite, 96, 280-292. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2015.09.027

González-Cutre, D., Sicilia, Á., Sierra, A. C., Ferriz, R., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Understanding the need for novelty from the perspective of self-determination theory. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 159-169.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). Non-conscious processes and dual-process theories in health psychology. Health Psychology Review, 10, 375-380.

Hagger, M. S., Chan, D. K. C., Protogerou, C., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). Using meta-analytic path analysis to test theoretical predictions in health behavior: An illustration based on meta-analyses of the theory of planned behavior. Preventive Medicine, 89, 154-161. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.05.020

Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). The trans-contextual model of autonomous motivation in education: Conceptual and empirical issues and meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 86, 360-407. doi:10.3102/0034654315585005

Hagger, M. S., Hardcastle, S. J., Hingley, C., Strickland, E., Pang, J., & Watts, G. F. (2016). Predicting self-management behaviors in familial hypercholesterolemia using an integrated theoretical model: The impact of beliefs about illnesses and beliefs about behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23, 282-294. doi: 10.1007/s12529-015-9531-x

Hagger, M. S., Luszczynska, A., de Wit, J., Benyamini, Y., Burkert, S., Chamberland, P.-E., Chater, A. M., Dombrowski, S., van Dongen, A., French, D. P., Gauchet, A., Hankonen, N., Karekla, M., Kinney, A. Y., Kwasnicka, D., Lo, S. H., López-Roíg, S., Meslot, C., Marques, M. M., Neter, E., M., Plass A., Potthoff, S., Rennie, L., Scholz, U., Stadler, G., Stolte, E., A., ten Hoor G., Verhoeven, A. A. C., Wagner, M., Oettingen, G., Sheeran, P., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2016). Implementation intention and planning interventions in health psychology: Recommendations from the Synergy expert group for research and practice. Psychology & Health, 7, 814-839. doi:10.1080/08870446.2016.1146719

Hagger, M. S., Sultan, S., Hardcastle, S. J., Reeve, J., Patall, E. A., Fraser, B. J., Hamilton, K. & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). Applying the trans-contextual model to mathematics activities in the classroom and homework behaviour and attainment. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 166-175. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2015.11.017

Hamilton, K., Peden, A. E., Pearson, M., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Stop there’s water on the road! Identifying key beliefs guiding people’s willingness to drive through flooded waterways. Safety Science, 89, 308-314. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2016.07.004

Hankonen, N., et al. (2016) "‘Let’s Move It’–a school-based multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adolescents in vocational secondary schools: a   study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial." BMC public health 16.1 (2016): 1.​

Hattar, A., Pal, S., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Predicting physical activity-related outcomes in overweight and obese adults: A health action process approach. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 8, 127-151. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12065​

Keatley, D. A., Hardcastle, S. J., Carragher, N., Chikritzhs, T. N., Daube, M., Lonsdale, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Attitudes and beliefs towards alcohol minimum pricing in Western Australia. Health promotion international, 33(3), 400-409

Koka, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). A brief intervention to increase physical activity behavior among adolescents using mental simulations and action planning. Psychology, Health & Medicine. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2016.1211298

Lintunen, T. (2016). Strategista rahoitusta. Liikunta ja tiede, 53 (1), 19. Retrieved from

Luszczynska, A., Hagger, M. S., Banik, A., Horodyska, K., Knoll, N., & Scholz, U. (2016). Self-efficacy, planning, or a combination of both? A longitudinal experimental study comparing effects of three interventions on adolescents’ body fat. PLoS ONE, 11, e0159125. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159125

Meslot, C., Gauchet, A., Allenet, B., François, O., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Theory-based interventions combining mental simulation and planning techniques to improve physical activity: Null results from two randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.

Nurmi, J., Hagger, M. S., Haukkala, A., Araújo-Soares, V., & Hankonen, N. (2016. Relations between autonomous motivation and leisure-  time physical activity participation: The mediating role of self-regulation techniques. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Developing an integrated theoretical model of young peoples’ condom use in sub-Saharan Africa. Australian Journal of Psychology. doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12127

Ruffault, A., Czernichow, S., Hagger, M. S., Ferrand, M., Erichot, N., Carette, C., Boujut, E., & Flahault, C. (2016). The effects of mindfulness training on weight-loss and health-related behaviors in adults with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice.​​​

Watts, G. F., Ding, P. Y., George, P., Hagger, M. S., Hu, M., Lin, J., ... & Pang, J. (2016). Translational research for improving the care of familial hypercholesterolemia: The “ten countries study” and beyond. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 23(8), 891-900.

Zabatiero, J., Hill, K., Gucciardi, D. F., Hamdorf, J. M., Taylor, S., Hagger, M. S., & Smith, A. (2016). Beliefs, barriers and facilitators to physical activity in bariatric surgery candidates. Obesity Surgery, 26, 1097-1109. doi: 10.1007/s11695-015-1867-4


Campo, M., Louvet, B., Dosseville, F., Ferrand, C., Hagger, M., Martinent, G., ... & Sanchez, X. (2015). Promotion de l’activité physique chez les seniors. Revue systématique des programmes d’intervention centrés sur les barrières affectives. Staps, (4), 115-127.

Hassandra M, Lintunen T, Kettunen T, Vanhala M, Toivonen HM, Kinnunen K, Heikkinen R. (2015). Effectiveness of a Mobile Phone App for Adults That Uses Physical Activity as a Tool to Manage Cigarette Craving After Smoking Cessation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research Protocols 4(4):e125, DOI: 10.2196/resprot.4600 

Lintunen, T., & Toivonen, H.-M. (2015). Hellisonin malli rakentaa elämäntaitoja ja hyvinvointia liikunnan avulla. Liikunta ja Tiede, 4, 37-40.






Hagger, M. S. & Weed, M. (2019). Do interventions based on behavioral theory work in the real world?. Debate at the 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 06-09 April 2019, Washington DC, USA.

Hamilton, K., Brown, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Testing an integrated model of nutrition behavior in a sample of Australian children. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 06-09 April 2019, Washington DC, USA.

Hamilton, K., Demant. D., Peden, A. E., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). A systematic review of human behaviour in and around floodwater. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 06-09 April 2019, Washington DC, USA.

Hagger, M., Hassandra, M., Laukkanen, A.,  Polet, J.,  Hankonen, N., Hirvensalo, M., Lintunen. (2019). Physical Education Teacher Autonomy Support Training to Promote Leisure-time Physical Activity in Students (PETALS) Intervention. Symposium presented at the 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15 - 20.7.2019 , Münster, Germany.


Brown, D., J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Exploring a laypersons understanding of health-habit formation: A network diagram approach. Poster presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, August 21-25, 2018.


Brown, D., J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Testing a three-phase integrated model of health behaviour for binge drinking and dental flossing. Paper presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, August 21-25, 2018.

Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Standage, M., Lonsdale, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Students’ motivation and beliefs in sport injury prevention: A qualitative investigation of the trans-contextual model. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioural Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 11-14, 2018.


Galli, F., Lucidi, F., Chirico, A., Mallia, L., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). A trans-behavioral model of motivation in academic context. Poster presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, August 21-25, 2018.


Hagger, M. S. (2018). Health behaviour, health promotion, and the transition to parenthood: Insights from research in health psychology and behaviour change. Paper presented at the International Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Pathways and Barriers to the Transition to Parenthood: Existential concerns regarding fertility, pregnancy, and early parenthood, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 12-14, 2018.


Hagger, M. S. (2018). In favor: Interventions based on behavioural theory work in the real world. Paper presented at the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 2018 Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, June 3-6, 2018.


Hagger, M. S. (2018). Developing a way to describe psychology theories applied in health behavior research: A process diagram approach. Master lecture presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Palais des congrès, Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 26-30, 2018.

Hagger, M. S. (2018). Testing the theory of planned behavior and reasoned action approach: a meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach. Paper lecture presented at the Identifying the Determinants of (Non-)Replicability: The Theory of Planned Behavior meeting, Trier, Germany, October 17-19, 2018.


Hagger, M. S., Hankonen, N., & Hamilton, K. (2018). Trait self-control and social cognitive predictors of health behavior: Mediation and moderation effects. Paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, November 14-17, 2018, Santiago, Chile.


Hagger, M. S., Hardcastle, S. J., Hu, M., Kwok, S., Lin, J., Nawawi, H. M., Pang, J., Santos, R. D., Soran, H., Su, T.-C., Tomlinson, B., & Watts, G. F. (2018). Health literacy in familial hypercholesterolemia: A cross-national study. Poster presented at the XVIIIth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Toronto, Canada, June 9-12, 2018.


Hagger, M. S., & Orbell, S. (2018). Self-regulation in sickness and in health. State-of-the-art presentation presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, August 21-25, 2018.

Hamilton , K., Gibbs, I., Keech, J. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Predicting heavy episodic drinking in young Australian university students: a dual process approach. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioural Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 11-14, 2018.


Hamilton, K., Peden., A., Demant, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Personal, social, and environmental factors associated with lifejacket wear in adults and children: A systematic literature review. Paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, November 14-17, 2018, Santiago, Chile.


Hamilton, K., Trost, N., Keech, J. J., Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S., (2018). Predicting sugar consumption: application of an integrated dual process, dual-phase model. Paper presented at the 32nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, August 21-25, 2018.


Hagger, M. S., Zhang, C. Q., Protogerou, C., Girelli, L., Mallia, L., & Lucidi, F. (2018). Past behavior and self-reported habit and behavioral automaticity in social cognitive models: meta-analysis and test of a process model. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioural Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 11-14, 2018.


Keech, J. J., Hagger, M. S., Orbell, S., & Hamilton , K. (2018). Development and validation of a new measure of stress mindset: The stress control mindset measure (SCMM). Poster presented at the Society of Behavioural Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 11-14, 2018.


Zhang, C. Q., Schwarzer, R., Zhang, R., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). A meta-analysis of the health action process approach and health behaviors. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioural Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 11-14, 2018.


Chan, D. K.-C., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Implicit doping attitude and awareness of unintentional doping. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Chan, D. K. C., Standage M., Lonsdale, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). The trans-contextual model and learning safety in sport. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Conroy, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Imagery interventions in health behaviour: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Innovative ideas in Health Psychology, Padova, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2017.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, March 30). Applying psychosocial theories in health and educational contexts. Invited symposium in the Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Hagger, M. S. (2017). Attitudes and physical activity. Paper presented at the Attitudes Conference, Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, May 17-19, 2017.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, November 29). Developing effective theory-based interventions to promote behaviour change in health contexts: An integrated approach. Invited presentation to the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, October 15). Ego-depletion: Replicability and mechanisms. Invited presentation to the Department of Psychology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, November 27). Ego-depletion: Updates on replication and mechanisms, and implications for health behaviour. Invited presentation to the School of Social Sciences, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, April 20). How theories from psychology and behavioural science can inform the development of effective interventions to promote health behaviour: Application of an integrated model of behavior change. Invited presentation to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Hagger, M. S. (2017). Lessons learned from the ego-depletion replication and suggestions for future research. Paper presented at the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain, July 5-8, 2017.

​Hagger, M. S. (2017, November 21). The ego-depletion effect: Results and implications of a multi-lab pre-registered replication. Invited presentation to the Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, April 25). The multi-lab replication of the ego-depletion effect: Summary, impact and implications for the replication “crisis”. Invited presentation to the Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, November 30). Using psychological theory to inform the development of effective behavioural interventions to promote behaviour change in health contexts. Invited presentation to the Division of Psychology, School of Life Sciences and Education, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK.

Hagger, M. S. (2017, March 24). Using theories from psychology and behavioral science to inform the development of effective interventions to promote health behavior change. Invited presentation to the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2017). A pre-registered multi-lab replication of the ego-depletion effect: Implications for the replication “crisis” and health psychology. Paper presented at the 31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Innovative ideas in Health Psychology, Padova, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2017.

Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2017). The trans-contextual model. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Hagger, M. S., Koch, S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Orbell, S. (2017). Meta-analysis of the common sense model of illness self-regulation. Paper presented at the Finnish National Conference on Health Psychology, Helsinki, Finland, October 31-November 1, 2017.

Hagger, M. S., Pang, J., Hardcastle, S. J., & Watts, G. F. (2017). Health literacy in familial hypercholesterolemia patients: A cross-national study. Paper presented at the Cardiovascular Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia, August 10-13, 2017.

Hamilton, K., Keech, J., Peden, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Investigating the correlates of alcohol use and aquatic injury and drowning: a systematic review. Paper presented at the World Conference on Drowning Prevention, October, 17-19, 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

Hamilton, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Rebar, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Child sun safety: Application of an integrated behaviour change model. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society College of Health Psychologists/ Australasian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine (ASBHM) Conference, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, July 13-15, 2017.

Hagger, M. S. & Chan, D. K. C. (2017, November 28). Promoting physical activity more effectively: Theory and interventions. Invited presentation to the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.

Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2017). A pre-registered multi-lab replication of the ego-depletion effect: Implications for the replication “crisis” and health psychology. Paper presented at the 31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Innovative ideas in Health Psychology, Padova, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2017.

Hagger, M. S., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2017). The trans-contextual model. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Hamilton, K., Kirkpatrick, A., Rebar, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Child sun safety: Application of an integrated behaviour change model. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society College of Health Psychologists/ Australasian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine (ASBHM) Conference, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, July 13-15, 2017.

Kamarova, S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Kawabata, M., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). School-based intervention programs in promoting leisure-time physical activity: Applying the theory of planned behaviour. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Kwasnicka, D., Rebar, A., Vandelanotte, C., Short, C., Duncan, M., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Data-prompted interviews exploring the self-regulatory and automatic components of a physical activity intervention for healthcare professionals. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society College of Health Psychologists/ Australasian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine (ASBHM) Conference, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia, July 13-15, 2017.

Kwasnicka, D., Vandelanotte, C., Rebar, A., Gardner, B., Short, C., Duncan, M., Crook, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Applying motivational, self-regulatory and habit-development techniques in a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in healthcare professionals. Paper presented at the 31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Innovative ideas in Health Psychology, Padova, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2017.

Lintunen, T. (2017). Liikuntamotivaatio ja käyttäytymisen muutos - ajankohtaisia näkökulmia. Paper presented at the national sport science days, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Mallia, L., Lucidi, F., Zelli, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Predicting moral attitudes and behaviour in young team sport athletes: A self-determination theory perspective. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Pasi, H. (2017). Koulupäivän liikunnallistaminen osallistavan suunnittelun menetelmällä. Paper presented at the national sport science days, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Polet, J., Hagger, M. S., Lintunen, T. (2017). Suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria ja aikaisempi käyttäytyminen. Paper presented at the Finnish National Conference on Health Psychology, Helsinki, Finland, October 31-November 1, 2017.

Polet, J., Lintunen, T., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Meta-analysis and path analysis of the reasoned action approach to understand pa and health behaviour: The effect of past behaviour. Paper presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology 14th World Congress 2017, Sevilla, Spain, July 10-14, 2017.

Toivonen, H.-M. (2017). Nuoret rulettaa - vastuuntuntoisuuden koulutusohjelman toteutus ja toimivuus. Paper presented at the national sport science days, Jyväskylä, Finland.


Hagger, M. S. (2016). How exercise professionals can change physical activity behaviour by promoting self-regulation. Keynote address presented at the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 21st – 22nd October 2016.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). How theories from psychology and behavioural science can inform the development of effective interventions to promote health behaviour. Keynote address presented at the Finnish Conference on Health Psychology, Helsinki, Finland, 25th – 26th October 2016

Hagger, M. S. (2016). On nomological validity: Testing theory stipulated networks of relations among constructs in social cognitive models applied to health behavior. Invited presentation at the Social Personality and Health Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 17th Annual Convention, San Diego, USA, January 28, 2016.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). Predicting and understanding people’s self-regulation of social and health behaviour. Keynote address presented at the Pedaforum Congress, Jyväskylä, Finland, 17th – 18th August.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). Self-determination theory and in health behaviour: Controversies and solutions. Invited presentation to the Finnish Network of Self-Determination Theory, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2th of September.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). Theoretical integration in exercise psychology: Toward comprehensive frameworks for physical activity behaviour. Keynote address presented at the Italian Association of Sport Psychology (AIPS) XXI National Congress 2016, May 27-29, 2016.

Hagger, M. S. (2016). Using meta-analytic path analysis to test the nomological validity and processes of social cognitive theories in health behavior research. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, 24th – 29th July 2016.

Hagger, M. S., Chan, D. K. C., Protogerou, C., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). Theoretical Integration in social psychological theories applied to health behaviour: Rationale, advantages, and examples. Paper presented at the Asian Congress of Health Psychology 2016, Yokohama, Japan, 23th – 24th of July.

Hagger, M. S. & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). An integrated behavior change model for physical activity. Paper presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, December 7-10, 2016.

Hassandra M, Heikkinen R, Kettunen T and Lintunen T (2016). An mHealth intervention: Associations between Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs for physical activity and longitudinal smoking related behavioural data. Front. Public Health. Conference Abstract: 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2016.01.00105

Hattar, A., Pal., S. & Hagger, M. S. (2016). A health action process approach predicting physical activity-related outcomes within an overweight and obese adult sample. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 17th Annual Convention, San Diego, USA, January 28-30, 2016.

Kwasnicka, D., Vandelanotte, C., Rebar, A., Gardner, B., Short, C., Duncan, M. & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Comparing motivational, self-regulatory and habitual processes in a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in hospital employees: The PATHS randomised controlled trial. Paper presented at the European Health Psychology Society and British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2016, Aberdeen, UK, August 23-27, 2016.

Kwasnicka, D., Vandelanotte, C., Gardner, B., Rebar, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Comparing self-regulatory and automatic processes in a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in frontline healthcare professionals. Paper presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, December 7-10, 2016.

Teixeira, P. J., Silva, M. N., Marques, M. M., Carraça, E. V., La Guardia, J. G., Williams, G. C., Patrick, H., Markland, D., Ntoumanis, N., Reeve, J. M., Sebire, S. J., Londsdale, C., Standage, M., Haerens, L., Michie, S., Ryan, R. M. & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Identifying self-determination theory-based techniques aimed at promoting autonomy, competence, and relatedness in health contexts. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, June 1-3, Victoria BC, Canada.


Lintunen, T. (2015). Enhancing responsibility through sports in the framework of social and emotional learning.

Symposium in FEPSAC, Bern, Switzerland, 14th.-19th of July.  

Lintunen, T., Kuusela, M., & Toivonen, H.-M. (2015). Hellison’s levels of responsibility as a self-evaluation tool to measure the effectiveness of a SEL intervention. Abstract. FEPSAC 14.-19.7.2015, Bern, Switzerland. Published: 14-19.7.2015: Lintunen,T. Convener, President and introductory presentation in symposium S3.07: Symposium ‘Enhancing responsibility through sports in the framework of social and emotional     learning. 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) 14-19.7.2015, Bern, Switzerland. 

Toivonen, H.-M. (2015).  Development, implementation and evaluation of a training program for novice instructors to apply Hellison’s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model in after-school sports. Oral Presentation in. TPSR Alliance Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA,  24.-27.6.2015,

Toivonen, H.-M., Hassandra, M., & Lintunen, T. (2015). Aloitteleville liikuntakerhon ohjaajille suunnatun Hellisonin vastuuntuntoisuuden malliin perustuvan koulutusohjelman kehittäminen, toteuttaminen ja arviointi. E-posteresitys. Liikuntatieteen päivillä 10.-11.6, Jyväskylä.

Toivonen, H.-M., Hassandra, M., & Lintunen, T. (2015). Aloitteleville liikuntakerhon ohjaajille suunnatun Hellisonin vastuuntuntoisuuden malliin perustuvan koulutusohjelman kehittäminen, toteuttaminen ja arviointi. Abstrakti. Liikuntatieteen päivät 10.-11.6.2015. Liikunta ja Tiede, 2-3, 99.

Increasing motivation for physical activity, IMpact, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylän yliopisto, fidipro

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PhD student Weldon Green

Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences

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